IIn Switzerland, the legal standards for these products are laid down by, for example, the Swiss Foodstuffs Act (FSA), the Contaminants Ordinance (VHK) and the Food Additives Ordinance (ZuV). Products intended for export to the EU must comply with the relevant national standards of the target market.
Are you looking for an accredited Swiss contract laboratory to investigate your products? We can offer an extremely comprehensive range of analyses regarding the investigation of milk products, with particular emphasis on baby foods and cheeses. Thanks to our collaboration with a network of accredited and specialised UFAG partner laboratories, it is also possible to analyse the rarely offered parameters that are, as a result of country specific legislation, becoming increasingly necessary when exporting milk products to non-European countries.
Take advantage of the UFAG customer service in which, after the sample has been sent off, you will receive the test report including all parameters from the same source and you have just ONE contact person for ALL of your enquiries. UFAG LABORATORIEN will co-ordinate the various investigations for you and we will ensure you receive the test reports promptly. Attached is a selection of the diverse analysis parameters which we at UFAG LABORATORIEN can currently offer you in the area of milk products.
Are you looking for an analysis method that you cannot find in our specifications? Our portfolio of analyses methods is under continual consideration and is expanded to include current requests.