Trichinella (nematodes of the Trichinella genus) are nematodes that can occur as parasites in the flesh of animals such as domestic swine, wild boar, foxes and other animals. They can also be transmitted to humans by the consumption of insufficiently cooked meat. This can lead to serious health consequences. For weakened patients, infestation of the heart muscle could lead to death.
In Switzerland, investigation for trichinella is a component of the official meat inspection in accordance with Article 31 of the VSFK (Ordinance over the Slaughter of Livestock and Meat Inspection). In the VSFK, Article 49 stipulates that the analyses may only be carried out in accredited laboratories.
For meat exports in the EU, the Ordinance (EG) No. 2075/2005 regulates that all slaughtered pigs must be inspected for trichinella.
Are you looking for an accredited Swiss contract laboratory to test the safety of your pork?
We will analyse your samples quickly, competently and reliably.
Do you have any questions regarding the examination for trichinella in the import and export of meats? Would you like to know how to get your samples to us as quickly as possible or what quantity of samples you should send to us?